Fellow in Infectious Disease
Medical College of Wisconsin
Disclosure(s): No financial relationships to disclose
My name is Shivum Patel, MD and I am a fellow at the Medical College of Wisconsin's Infectious Disease program. I completed my residency at the Medical College of Wisconsin as well, and my experiences rotating through the ID consult service led me to choose this specialty. I completed medical school at Western Michigan University Homer Stryker School of Medicine in Kalamazoo, Michigan where I met my wife. My undergraduate degree is in Physics from Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington, Illlinois. I am interested in Transplant ID and antimicrobial stewardship.
A special thanks to a few of my mentors at the Medical College of Wisconsin without whom I would not have made it this far: Kartikey Acharya, our fellowship Program Director whose upbeat attitude and love for learning make every day wonderful; Njeri Wainaina, my research mentor who helped me navigate the world of research and always made time for me despite how busy she can be; and Mike Putman, who taught me the basics of research and showed me how to work with "big data".