Infectious Disease Specialist
South Texas Veterans Health Care System, UT Health San Antonio
Disclosure(s): No financial relationships to disclose
Jose A Cadena Zuluaga, MD
Infectious disease physician with particular interest in the prevention of Tuberculosis, healthcare associated infections, osteomyelitis treatment, C difficile treatment, antimicrobial stewardship and other novel therapeutics. He graduated from the CES University in Colombia and did his internal medicine residency, infectious diseases fellowship and a year of infection prevention and hospital epidemiology at UT Health Science Center at San Antonio. He has been working in the field of infection prevention and has published papers related to infection control, process improvement to increase compliance with influenza vaccination, tuberculosis prevention and control among healthcare workers, treatment and epidemiology of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridioides difficile. He has worked on phase 2 and 3 trials of therapeutics and vaccines for C difficile, Ecoli invasive infections and therapeutic trials for Candidemia. He has been part of the CREATE research network, Collaborative Study Program within the VA. He works at the South Texas Veterans Health Care System as medical director of infection prevention, practices infectious diseases and conducts clinical research.