Disclosure(s): No financial relationships to disclose
Dr Glenn Tillotson PhD, FIDSA, FCCP is a Consultant Microbiologist, with ovr 35 years clinical and pharmaceutical experience. Dr Tillotson is a healthcare scientist with sound global infectious disease background and experience in anti-infective drug development and global medical educational and medical affairs. His clinical training was at the University of Manchester Division of Surgery when he undertook studies in the microbiological links to inflammatory bowel disease. He has been awarded Fellowships in Infectious Diseases of America, American College of Chest Physicians, Royal Society of Medicine and the International Society of Chemotherapy. He has published in the various aspects of ID (>185 papers on PubMed with a further >40 not cited). He has written several book chapters and edited an e-book on Clostridium difficile. He is the Editor in Chief of Expert Reviews in Anti-Infective therapy and has reviewed for many journals including Lancet Infectious Diseases. He is on several journal Advisory Boards including Lancet Infectious Diseases.
Recently active in developing new products for Clostridium difficile, MRSA, MDR Gram-negative infections, pneumococcal pneumonia and complicated urinary tract infections. His current research is in the role of the microbiome in a range of infections and other conditions.